Why do we pop a champagne in the New Year's Eve?

      Ever wondred about the origins of the New Year's toast at midnight? History says that after the French Revolution champagne quickly became a popular way to celebrate special occasions. Over the following years, popping a champagne became associated with the celebrations of the New Year's Eve. 

    European immigrants had brought to America the tradition of staying up until midnight to ring in the new year and, by 1800, it had become more popular, with people frequenting taverns and visiting others' houses for celebrating with midnight drinks, which including punch as well as champagne.

"By the end of the 19th century, champagne was widespread at New Year's Eve parties. While still associated with luxury, it was more affordable for the middle classes as an occasional treat — and what better way to welcome in a fresh start than with an overflowing glass of aspirational bubbles? Today, champagne is still seen as an occasional celebratory drink by most, with New Year's Eve proving one of the most popular times to indulge."

Read the full article @ Food Republic >

Happy New Year!


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